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manufactured glass

Barnsley-based Glass Manufacturer

Combine each glass type to create your ideal unit specification.


Get the glass you need, in any shape and size!

 If you are looking for glass, then you have come to the right place! We have specialists to assist you in every area. Do you need to achieve a certain U-value or sound reduction? Glass in a particular shape? BHB Glass Systems Ltd can provide you with everything you require.

Over 50+ years of industry experience

We’ve seen throughout the industry many companies turning a blind eye to quality purely on the basis of volume. At BHB, our foundations are built on offering a superb product first and maintaining a consistently clean high performing unit to customers. We also offer improved lead times which all contribute to being able to provide a better service.

Toughened and decorative glass

High security units

Although toughened glass is the main go-to choice for doors due to its impact resistance, there are certain procedures which are used to shatter the glass allowing quick access for intruders. We recommend combining a toughened and laminated glass for improved security. While laminate can crack, the internal resin layer prevents the glass from separating reducing easy access, gaining entry through a laminated glass would also generate more noise. Backed with toughened, this certainly would be the top choice for patio/ bifold doors!

Clear - Float Thickness- 2-19mm

The most common glass found in houses today, distortion-free and super smooth offering clarity and a high light transmittance. Very versatile.

Low Emissivity glass - Low E. Thickness 3-8mm

Improves energy efficiency and reduces energy consumption by reflecting heat back inside. Typically glazed to the interior and come in two options: Hardcoat and Softcoat, with Softcoat being the most popular option due to its superior performance, achieving low U-values.

Solar Control Glass

Thickness 4-10mm

Reduces heat entering the space while offering high levels of natural light.

Noise Control/Acoustic Glass. Thickness 6.8-16.8mm

Works by reducing the frequency passing through the glass using a plastic or resin interlayer. A typical make up of this glass would be 3mm x 0.8mm interlayer x 3mm = 6.8mm overall.

Low Maintenance.
Thickness 3-10mm

Reduced cleaning frequency, more effective cleaning with just rain water. This doesn’t necessarily mean the glass
never needs cleaning

Textured Glass
Thickness 4-6mm

Offers privacy and decoration. Available in many different patterns.

Safety/ Security Glass

Thickness 4.4-21.5mm

Offers impact and penetration resistance delaying intruders or reducing accidental injury.

Combine each glass type to create your ideal sealed unit specification.

All glass types are can be toughened. This process involves heating and rapidly cooling the glass drastically improving its strength and durability.

"Nice, friendly and helpful team. Would recommend them for all your double-glazed unit needs."

Karen Langford, Facebook Review

Decorative glass

Need a toughened glass supplier?

Contact BHB Glass Systems Ltd now. We are independent glass manufacturers that are based in Barnsley and cover all of Yorkshire. Call now for a free quote and information. We supply glass in any shape or size!

Call us: 01226 663045
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